The president-elect serves as President in the event of temporary absence of the President. The President-elect also serves as Chairperson of the Membership Committee. At the annual election of officers the current President-elect automatically assumes the Presidency of the Association. In the event the President resigns or is unable to complete a term of office, the President-elect succeeds the President and completes the President’s term of office. In that event, the Executive Committee may reassign some of the President-elect’s duties to another officer.
The Secretary is responsible for keeping the official minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, the Annual Business Meetings, and other meetings of the Association; and performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
Jerry Brinegar, New Mexico Corrections Department, Office: 505-827-8605
The Treasurer serves as the chairperson of the Finance Committee and is responsible for the oversight of the receipt and disbursement of the Association’s funds. The Treasurer disburses checks for the Association expenditures in accordance with the Association budget and Association Operating Rules; and performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
The Corporate Leadership Council is to represent the Association’s corporate membership, to increase communication among the corporate members, to acclimate new corporate members to the culture of the Association, and to develop procedures for the selection of the Council Chair-elect and its members.
The Corporate Leadership Council is to represent the Association’s corporate membership, to increase communication among the corporate members, to acclimate new corporate members to the culture of the Association, and to develop procedures for the selection of the Council Chair-elect and its members.
The Corporate Leadership Council is to represent the Association’s corporate membership, to increase communication among the corporate members, to acclimate new corporate members to the culture of the Association, and to develop procedures for the selection of the Council Chair-elect and its members.